When I first met Jake, I was borderline Diabetic. I had high cholesterol and in general, out of shape. I told Jake I hated working out and more specifically, running.
What Jake did in the next few months was to take away all the barriers I had towards working out and running. He was like a detective, searching for reasons why I had such struggles. Little by little he rectified posture issues that caused me reoccurring small injuries my whole life. He taught me to breath properly to not be out of breath. The list goes on.
Today, I run at least 8 to 10km, not because it’s homework but because I feel like it. I feel better after a run, I have stamina for long hiking and my work life has improved immensely due to my strength training and my health issues have mostly been reversed.
I’m still working on getting better but my health is so much better than it’s been for a couple decades and it’s because Jake is a patient problem solver. He changed my way of thinking andI’m forever grateful for it.